DALL-E review: AI image generation

Once a marvel, now fallen from grace.

DALL-E is a deep learning model for image generation developed by Open AI. The API contains image editing and generation.

Is it any good?

Sure. If you take the model at face-value, it’s very versatile but there’s just so many new models that outcompete it.

DALL-E was one of the first ultra-popular image generation products, but I’m not sure if that’s because of how great it was. Ever since its run, interest has seemed to die down.

Is it worth it?

Hell no. Quite overpriced and no longer competitive with the presence of open-source models. For a casual user, the prices are criminal. The API prices are expensive but not as ridiculous as the one shown below. While Open AI’s model may be intensive and expensive to run, it just doesn’t compete with the likes of Stable Diffusion (which is free).

If you’re looking for an alternative, check out Stableboost for access to more models and more features for cheaper.

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