Arc: a modern browser.

Don't worry, it's just Chrome with makeup.

Arc is a new browser that lets you fully customize your experience with folders, workspaces, and pinned sites. It’s built on Chromium, so it’s just Chrome with a new UI and UX.

Is it any good?

Yes. When I first tried Arc, I was definitely shocked, and in a good way. The designers at Arc knocked it out of the park. The UI and features are so overwhelmingly great, that it makes it hard to poke holes in the browser.

But all that glitters is not gold. While Arc has superb design aesthetics, the UX is where I begin to teeter. Because Arc has decided to turn browsing upside down, it takes a bit of learning and adjustment to start utilizing their sidebar and shortcuts. Folders and separate workspaces are brilliant; but through usage, I’ve found that I’m much more efficient on Chrome.

The price of learning how to use Arc is not too bad; but for older Macs, the energy costs begin to annoy me. The browser seems to be more intensive than Chrome, and some bugs just crash the entire app. I understand that Arc is still improving, and they’re putting out new updates, but I’m personally bothered by some of these issues.

Is it worth it?

Sure. Although I just bashed Arc and got a little carried away, I will still admit that they released a refreshing piece of technology that deserves some love. Arc is free and they have a wonderful onboarding too. So, it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot.

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